Imagine having someone who will tell you exactly what to do to make sure you maximize your chances of getting your ex back [in a healthy relationship]
what if you take all the guesswork out of the equation?
If you are like the thousands of people who search the internet about getting an ex back, there is a good chance you are somewhat confused about what you need to do moving forward.
You may be wondering things like...
And yes, while the articles on our website and our paid course give you a great guide to follow. Often times, it's not enough to remove ALL the confusion from your situation.
Who We Are?
This is where we come in.
We listen to what happened in your relationship and breakup so far. We listen to what you have done since the breakup. We listen to how your ex reacted to the breakup and your action.
And then, we use our valuable experience (gathered over a combined 17 years of helping people get their ex back) and tell you exactly what you need to do to maximize your chances of getting your ex back in a healthy relationship.
who are you?
The fact that you are here at Ex Back Permanently shows that you are serious about getting your ex back.
But, I don’t really know if you are serious about self-improvement. It doesn’t tell me that you are serious about becoming a better version of yourself.
It doesn’t tell me if you are willing to develop the right skills that you will need to make your relationship work.
We want to work with you, we truly do. But we need to know a few things about you.
What are we offering?
We are offering insight.
The kind of insight that only comes after years of experience in a very particular field.
After going through thousands of cases of breakups personally. After reading tons of research and books on a topic.
This is not the type of insight that you can get from a therapist or a psychologist.
We are a big advocate of therapy and we recommend almost everyone to go to therapy when they feel they need help.
But this is not therapy. This is insight.
We are confident in our ability to help you along this journey. We are confident that the insights will be EXTREMELY VALUABLE to you as you try to get your ex back or move on. We are confident that you won't find this valuable insight anywhere on the internet.
I know this because I have personally helped hundreds of clients and I’ve had ZERO negative feedback from them.

Best $299 I ever spent.
Cassy and I spent the fortnight in New Zealand, which went really well. We’re getting along really well now despite the previous issues - and although there’s still some tension around that at times (which I fully expect) I’m going to England in a couple of weeks and will be spending a good portion of the time with her.
I’m of the opinion that your good self and Dr XXXX made the biggest difference in me, which meant I was in a position to put things right
Thank you again, best $299 I ever spent!
Shane Brown - Australia

I can't imagine going through this alone
Your program and coaching have been incredibly helpful. I don’t have everything figured out yet but am glad to have had you along the way!
Thank you for being there when I needed your help most. I am recovering.
Thanks for being there for me so far, I really can't imagine going through all this alone!
Hannah - USA

I wish I would have discovered you earlier in my life
Dear Ryan,
I want to start off by saying thank you so much for your insight, professionalism, and what you do; for what I can already conclude from one email you are very good at what you do. I am extremely relieved and happy that I finally found a legit professional in your field of psychology and I wish I would have discovered you earlier in my life. You might have saved my marriage 9 years ago, because the psychologists and social workers that have helped me in the past did not even come close to explaining things as you just did and in one simple email.
Andy - Location Unknown
how does it work?
How much does it cost?
Working with clients on a personal level is an emotional investment for both of us. Whoever you chose to get coaching with, you can be assured that he will be personally invested in your success.
I am an empathetic guy and when someone shares their personal life with me, I can’t help but get emotionally invested. Ryan is the same way.
We root for our clients.
We feel joy when they progress.
We feel ecstatic when they get their ex back.
We feel sad when things don’t go as planned.
And sometimes we even feel frustration when they make obvious mistakes that we tell them not to make.
When you work with us, it will soon become obvious that we are trying everything in our power to help you succeed.
So how much does it take to have one of the world’s top breakup expert emotionally invested in your success?
It's much cheaper than that. We have different packages at different price points. You can find them below.
Note #1: This service is non-refundable because our time is also non-refundable. However, we do reserve the right to refund you in full and cancel the arrangement IF for whatever reason we are unable to make this work (something that would become apparent early on I'm sure!)
Note #2: A lot of the cheaper packages are usually out of stock. If you are interested in any of the coaching packages that are out of stock, you can enter your details at the end of this page to be notified.
Ryan Leo Email Coaching Packages
Ryan takes the lead with one on one coaching at Ex Back Permanently. While Kevin mostly spends his time creating content and optimizing the website, Ryan spends most of his time working directly with clients. As a result, the experience Ryan has gained in the past 5 years is second to none because he spends most of his working hours helping people get back with their exes.
Check out what his clients have to say.

Ryan, I just wanted to thank you so much for your advice, because it absolutely worked.
Alex and I are back together, which I'm really happy about. Pretty much all your advice was solid. We had a bit of an adjustment period as we were figuring out what we "were" but we both decided we want to give this another try. We are not living together, which I think is healthy for now, and if things continue to go well, I will revisit that idea in the future. For now, we are just focused on each other and being happy together.
Thanks again for everything... I sincerely mean it.

Ryan has deep insight into my situation. He has seen and heard it all before. He was able to work with me with my particular nuance of my relationship. He has been a lifesaver for me.

We are back together and Cayla has moved back in the house and wants to start planning our wedding to get married this year. Thank you for all your advice Ryan!! So happy with where we are right now.

I found Ryan’s advice to be the clarity I needed after my break up. He will always tell you his honest opinion and calculates these things based on his experience with other cases as well. Ryan’s earnest and sage advice has given me stability in my journey of getting my ex back. I cannot recommend him enough.

Hey Ryan,
So the good news is that after following your advice and a lot of back and forth my wife and I are finally back together. Things are going very well. She has been warming up towards me more and more every day.
Your advice helped me work on my self development, understand relationships better and how to prevent falling in a similar situation again once you get your ex back, or even if you don’t, I know what not to do in my next relationship.

Dear Ryan,
I really appreciate your empathy as well as your objective insight. Again, thank you for taking the time to coach me through my breakup. You have significantly helped me understand my ex, my entire breakup, and everything going on in my head that has previously resulted in so much confusion and doubt.
3 Emails Package
Great Value For Money
3 Email Replies
3 Months Validity
Non - Refundable. One Time Payment
Unlimited Replies
Best Value For Money
Unlimited Email Replies
Monthly Subscription
$299 / month
Non - Refundable. Monthly Subscription. Cancel Anytime.
1 Email Package
Get one reply for cheap
1 Email Reply
2 Months Validity
Non - Refundable. One Time Payment
Live Chat Packages with Ryan Leo

Coaching helped in structuring it and what better than a professional for help. It affects a great deal when you can discuss the course of action openly. And share your grief with. I could ask questions and get the answers. Ryan's reply was something i used to wait for as much as waited for call from my ex.
Ryan is honest. Ryan really gets involved even though he receive maybe 100 same emails everyday. He doesn't give the same 3 sentences to every ques and not selling me more of your packages. Thanks a lot Ryan. Will always remember you.

Thank you so much for your e-mail, you've given me so much to think about. You are absolutely spot on and I am incredibly impressed - It's so helpful to hear objective and direct feedback, I'm impressed with how well you've understood exactly what the root of my difficulty in moving on was - you have really great advice to give!

Hey Ryan,
A month ago I was excitedly telling you she initiated contact, and now we're chatting pretty much every day, we have hung out four times in the last ten days, slept together and as you say, she has officially put it out there that she wants to keep dating, hanging out and even keep sleeping together. We definitely wouldn't be where we are without you and your help, so from the bottom of my heart, thank you. I can't tell you how much I appreciate it and you.
Live Chat - Basic
1 Time - 45 Minutes Live Chat Strategy Session
Live Chat Coaching - 1 Strategy Session
Non - Refundable. One Time Payment.
Live Chat - Advanced
3 Live Strategy Sessions and 2 Email Replies
1 Live Chat Session - 45 Minutes
2 Follow Up Live ChatSessions - 30 Min
2 Email Replies
Non - Refundable. One Time Payment
Kevin Thompson Email Coaching Packages
Kevin is the lead author and content creator at Ex Back Permanently. If you've read any of the articles at Ex Back Permanently, you've read his work. He focuses on creating healthy and long lasting relationship with an ex. He charges more for his email coaching because his time is split between content creation and helping email clients. Note: Kevin does not offer live chat packages yet.
3 Emails Package
Good Value For Money
3 Email Replies
3 Months Validity
Non - Refundable. One Time Payment
Unlimited Replies
Best Value For Money
Unlimited Email Replies
Monthly Subscription
$399 / month
Non - Refundable. Monthly Subscription. Cancel Anytime.
1 Email Package
Get one reply for cheap
1 Email Reply
2 Months Validity
Non - Refundable. One Time Payment
If you are interested in the packages that are out of stock, please enter your name and email below to be notified when they are available. (We will ONLY contact you about coaching availability. No other promotions.)
Copyright - Ex Back Permanently