You may be wondering why you can't find any reviews for Ex Back Permanently and it's products on the internet. After all, most us (including me) use independent reviews to figure out if something is worth spending your time, energy and money on.
The reason why it's hard to find reviews for our information and our products online is because the nature of this niche is very sensitive. Most people who are going through a breakup and want their ex back want to keep their information private. They won't go on Google or Facebook to post details about how Ex Back Permanently helped them.
However, they do contact us via email to give feedback, reviews and testimonials. Below you will find some of our favorite reviews from our customers and clients.
Note: All the reviews and testimonials posted on this page are 100% genuine and unaltered. We will provide proof if anyone is interested in challenging the validity of these reviews.
Reviews and Testimonial For The Paid Products and Services of Ex Back Permanently
Dear Kevin and the Ex Back Permanently team,
Thank you so much for your program.
I just completed the thirty day course, and the amount I've been able to grow and learn about myself as an individual and as a romantic partner has absolutely been one of the best opportunities I've ever had. Your worksheets were eye-opening. Number 21 in particular was one of the most important evaluations I've ever completed, and radically changed my perspective on the relationship with my ex.
I don't know what the future will bring, but I know that it will be a bright one. I'm now in the place I need to be in order to be open and ready to meet the man with whom I will spend my life (whether it is my ex -- with work and time -- or someone new), when the time comes.
Again, thank you so much. Having the chance to step back and process the breakup with guidance and care has been invaluable. I can't recommend the program enough.
Wow your course is amazing and I've learned so much about me, life, the universe, but have severe withdrawal symptoms and now need a course to get over you!!!
Keep checking my inbox for emails from you.... sad or what! Maybe it's my age....72 going on 35 xx
Hi kevin thompson. How can i leave a review?? After following your plan after subscribing,so much changed. The times where no contact was used. Over a month..(by the way i messed up in the relationship) it gave me time to conentrate on myself. Get back training and boxing, lost weight got fitter. Made plans, seeked therapy to fix my depression and anxiety and mental health. Sign up for the british armed forces. It also gave her time too. she broke the relationship up. I messed up. She wanted nothing to do with me.. so as hard as it was every moment i wanted to message her or ring her, check on her. I followed your plan!!! It past 30 days and i didnt know whether to keep doing no contact, or to make contact. But she made contact.
It was something shitty and simple lol "i have some mail for you" basically she couldve posted it... she played hard to get. But she loved me still deep down... so i juat plaues it cool as if my life and plans was something else. I had plans. I was in shape, Tanned and fit.. and now, of course after some struggles and raw conversations, were back together and we are also following our individual tracks in our career paths which we didn't allow before.
Ive found myself again and so has she and we have found each other. But without your guidance and plan this wouldn't have happened. I would've tried contacting her and lost control etc. But i kept to your plan.. i seeked therapy, i got back in the boxing gym and I'm yet to be a paratrooper of the British army. Plus i have my fiance back.. no contact worked so effectively.. your plan worked. Thankyou x
I found you, and today I am smiling, laughing, eating, sleeping
have to say, 2 n a half weeks ago I was a complete mess.
I didn’t even get out of bed for days on end and then when I went away for work I was so desperate for help through this.
Then I found you, and today I am smiling, laughing, eating, sleeping (kind of lol)
And so much more, my outlook on my whole life has changed and I am looking at myself so much more deeper then I ever have.
It’s exactly what I needed to do, actually the co dependant email, that’s when it hit me. The role I played. I was completely co dependant and the moment I realised that, something flipped and pushed me to want to be happy for me, from within, full my cup so I can bring something to the table, not just take from the table.
I’m grateful. For you, and your emails.
I just had to let you know
Thank you
The course has been so helpful in rebuilding myself. It's exceeded my expectations for something I've bought online - when I was feeling vulnerable. Can't rate it highly enough - though I'm starting to fear the end of the daily emails to hold my hand through it all!
Best wishes,
I actually gained massive understanding from the online course I paid you for.
I have paid for another one now which is nowhere near as good as your one - I loved the daily exercises (nearly daily) and did a lot of self growth, which has given me a different outlook going forward and I am very unsure of my future.
Thanks again - and if you do put together any other online courses, I’d be really keen on them.
I doubt you read responses your emails as it’s part of a program. However, in case you do.....
This is great. The worksheets you provide are all the things that run through your head in some scattered fashion and you can’t put anything together where it makes sense. The worksheets allow you to take your time and think about certain aspects of your relationship in an organized fashion.
Just want to thank you for this. Your service has helped me immensely.
I'm a 40 successful woman, but when it comes to matters of the heart, I feel like a incompetent child.
I needed the structure your program offers to cope. It's working, my ex is contacting me again. I knew we weren't over, I was pushing him away. Many thanks again. I feel I am going to be a better person in relationships regardless of our outcome.
Hi Kevin,
I never thanked you for the coaching help during the time when my boyfriend and I were broken up. I want to say THANK YOU. Your support during that tough transition time got me being my best self and really showing up in a way to get my boyfriend and I back together.
We are happily back together now and we really both are proud of where we are out now. We are better than we have ever been and it's been amazing. We just celebrated our first anniversary which was actually our 3 year anniversary 🙂 Of course we still have our bumps in the road but we handle problems much differently and are committed to getting through them together.
I have no idea if these email replies are ever seen or not.
I just need to express my gratitude for what ever this thing is, because it's really helping me beyond words.
This has been without question the most painful and chaotic time in my entire life, hands down.
I'm working the program, and it's set up in a way that is effective without being overwhelming. Which is an big deal to me, because I can barely function at all and this is honestly perfect for me.
Lastly, I can't fell you how important you're daily emails have become. And I look forward to them every day for insite and motivation.
The way you speak to the reader is extremely calming to me, and imparts a feeling of having a true friend that is guiding me through this horrible time in my life.
Maybe these are read, or maybe not. I just want to express my gratitude and thankfulness.
- Dan J
Hi Kevin,
The idea of paying for a guide to get my ex back seemed crazy at first...but I'm so happy I did.
Your course helped me think clearly, gain perspective and realize exactly I want...which isn't my ex.
I am in a much better mind set and your course/program/emails, assisted me substantially in getting healthier, physically and mentally. I was devastated following the break up with my ex of 3.5 years and I wouldn't be in the headspace I am in now without you so I wanted to extend my thanks.
Many thanks Kevin. Your worksheets and daily emails helped me not only to stay sane but also to work on myself, learn a lot about myself. I still love my ex and he wants me back since 2 weeks. However I am uncertain as I just let go myself. We will meet in 2 days. I will listen to my gut feeling and then walk away to digest.
This was the most helpful and I wish I heard of you earlier. I can't thank your program enough!
Wanted to shoot you all a quick email and give you a tremendous THANK FUCKING YOU, for the Ex Back Permanently guide.
I fell in love for the first time last year. Most inconvenient time, I'd lost my parents at a young age, I've been raising my younger sisters since I was a kid, basically this person represented my happiness, the comfort I lost from losing my parents, my hopes and dreams etc. When we broke up it was DEVASTATING. On my self esteem, my emotional wellbeing, I didn't think I was going to make it. It sounds melodramatic but I know that there have to be others out there who are currently in the same position and I want them to know this program is ABSOLUTELY the reason I am not only fully recovered but more of myself, clear on my purpose, and happily very good loving friends with my ex. Through the methods used in the EBP I healed from the breakup in 2 weeks (I traveled across the country, and went on tons of dates trying to heal...nothing worked as effectively as the EBP approach helped me). I saw my ex and felt empowered and strong and confident, and like I had the tools in my pocket to make things go the way I wanted them to go. The minute I saw him, thanks to the tools in EBP, I knew that I had healed because the sadness and longing and disappointment were fully over. It was like it broke the spell he had on me and I was back to my powerful sexy self. This testimonial probably isn't exciting for those who are super attached to MUST HAVE HIM BACK lol, but for the girl who is in so much pain and is debating on buying the course based on how well it'll work to get your ex back (hello past me) please do this for yourself. Because if you don't get him back, you'll get YOU back and you'll feel good, you'll be powerful, happy and feel loved again instead of broken, lost and emotionally devastating. Thanks so much Kevin. Can't stress how lifechanging this was for me. Appreciate you!!! Best $67 I've ever spent.
So nice to hear from you. I would love to take your survey. Your program saved my life. Of all the programs out there, yours helped me the most. It helped me to focus more on myself which is more important than getting anyone back. When your self esteem is high people and things come to you. So I continue to work on me and I am in contact with my ex. He will always be there when I need him.
You have probably heard a lot , yet I still want to say I am grateful for this program, which is such a great company and guidance when I felt vulnerable and confused after the breakup.
Thank you, Coach.
I'm not going to lie, I was desperate enough to try anything when my ex and I broke up. But I went through the steps of your program, almost positive I'd come out without him but just as a stronger person myself. But after the month long no contact period, I sent him a single text. Short, sweet and not desperate. After that he began slowly but surely flooding my inbox. He broke up with his then girlfriend, and we got back together. Nearly a year and half later and we are still together. As crazy as it seems, I really think your program may have definitely contributed to this. I am now a firm believer that you can learn how to do anything on the internet, including get your ex back. Thank you for sharing your advice and I wish you the best!
Hey Kevin,
It's been a while! I took the survey to help you out, I hope everything is going well. I never got my ex back and I am so glad I didn't. My new girlfriend is incredible and I am so happy with her. Thank you again for the coaching I really needed it!
Hi Kevin/ admin team,
I just wanted to say a big thank you for helping me. I recently went through a break up over Christmas. My ex finished with me over our lack of sex, saying he loves me but doesn’t find me attractive anymore. Hard to hear but it’s fine now. He was so lovely about it and really hated hurting me. I did everything that your guide says not to do at first until I found your website.
I paid for the advanced system and I read it all, I am doing the worksheets and I can say that I feel so much better about my life even after just a few weeks.
Hey Kevin,
Thank you for these exercises. They really made a world of difference in my perception of my breakup. I have ultimately decided to let go of my ex and relax away from love for a while. I always sought out my lovers and that has always ended in disappointment so I'm gonna go with the flow and let the lover find me someday. I have to admit - these Healing Worksheets were why I bought the whole program. Don't get me wrong, your EBP guide was just as important for me to read, but getting me out of the denial & bargaining stages were the most critical thing to do and these worksheets helped tremendously.
You're awesome. Thank you.
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